Friday 5 November 2021

How the Indian education system got worse?

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”.- Albert Einstein

What's the country needs to be developed?

Growth in GDP, Education, Nuclear Energy, Military Power, Employment Opportunity etc. But most importantly education, because all things are connected to it. Many developed countries like the U.S.A,  China, Japan, Germany, UK, France etc, are following the rules like “Education means learning and the way of life”. But in India here we follow “Education means business”. Because most of the Indian Institute and colleges charges lakh of rupees as fees, but this is not a real problem that students are facing, but the actual problem is that they are not providing the quality of education which means practical knowledge.

History of the modern Indian education system. 

200 years ago, when Britishers came to India with their corporation, “East India Company” to do agricultural business in India. So they made three kinds of job opportunity, clerk for maintaining the company's document and record and guards for the protection of the company and worker who will work in the company. For the training of their employees, they made a system that we Indians are still following as an education system.

The main problem in our education system.

I know many of our Indian scientists are working in ISRO and DRDO and more advanced agency and company and they had also studied from the same system because they were curious and had understood their hidden traits very early, and also they had done something special and little different from our system. But many students have to follow this system because of society and mainly for parents pressure.

Many reports show that Indian students have a lack of subject interest because in our system there is 90℅ of theoretical knowledge. Parents with high expectations for their children take a heavy educational loan in the thought that once their children will start earning, then they can pay their loan, but because of a lack of practical knowledge, most of the companies are not ready to hire them, and thus the families are not able to pay the loan.

One more problem is in our system is that they are focusing on marks, not on knowledge and skills, therefore many students take the stress and many of them had done suicide, but they need to know that marks are not important as they think. Many American companies like Tesla, Microsoft, Facebook, SpaceX and Google also has said that in future, they will hire employees based on skills and knowledge not based on marks.

But in 2020 government have adopted a new education policy, but we have to wait until they implement it and also to see that how effective it will be.

My message to all viewers: study well, but also follow your hobbies and interest.

I hope, today you have learned something new through my article.

Stay home stay safe!

Thank you.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

How The 5G Technology Can Be Harmful For Human

Please read the full blog to get full knowledge and to get aware.

As our human civilization grew up, we have seen lots of new technology and innovation, And one of them is a wireless communication device, most importantly mobile phone because it is easily affordable and easier to use, But with the mobile phone, one more thing is important, and that is a wireless communication network which gives a purpose to use a mobile phone.

There are several mobile networks like 2g, 3g and 4g. India is the only country in Asia which have the cheapest or easily affordable 4g network, but a new technology that is 5g network almost introduced in India, It's such a wrong decision made by the Indian government.

This latest 5g technology which is already introduced in our country can create a massive microwave environment in our surrounding. Many scientists and researcher have rejected Because radiation becomes more dangerous when its frequency is high and the radiofrequency of 5g network is between 2.5 to 4 GHz which gives fast internet access but it's dangerous.

History is related to 5g network radiofrequency.

In the year 1950 Russian government started doing a radiofrequency attack on the USA embassy which was present in their country and after some days, the employees found depressed and got a  headache, memory loss, lack of concentration. The frequency was 2.5 to 4 GHz which is similar to a 5g network then you can think that how much it's dangerous.

If you search EMF RESEARCH on google then you can find such WHO(World Health Organisation) articles that show that this technology is most likely carcinogenic, which means that there is a huge chance of causing cancer. Many data proves that if electromagnetic radiation increases then the depth of penetration into biological tissues goes down therefore, our skin and eyes can get affected and also can cause various dangerous disease like brain tumour, reproductive organ cancer, leukaemia etc.

My message to all citizens: I suggest you never acquire this 5g network And reduce the uses of mobile phone.

My message to the Indian Government: I request you to doesn't implement this 5g technology in public life, it brings nothing but will give so much money to the telecom industries and creates mass destruction to the people.

I hope you got to know many new things and got aware through my article.

Stay home stay safe!

Thank you.

How the Indian education system got worse?

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”...